Picture Journal of our days so far

This is a quick photo essay of what we have been up to so far in Buenos Aires and some sights from in and around this huge city…

The big bird that flew us here: this is a pic of our plane landing at Cape Town International, coming in from JHB.

747 coming in to land at CT international

Yesterday (Thursday) we went and visited South American Explorers club, they specialise in travel information throughout the whole fo South America. There was an amazing view from their office window in Downtown BA, looking onto the Obelisco (Obelisk) on Avenidas 9 de Julio (9th of July Avenue). It is a huge highway of 12 lanes that flows into the central part of the city.

Obelisco on Avenidas 9 de Julio

From there we walked around BA a bit, had a T – Bone steak for lunch (Argentina eats a lot of red meat, they are the biggest exporters of beef in the world and the meat is really good)

The rest are some pics of Buenos Aires some by night. It is a beautiful city with great architecture, particularly in the area we are staying in as it is one of the oldest areas in BA.

The night shot of the building is the view of thedwelling opposite us from our room in San Telmo

View from our room
Rooftop of our hostel

The rooftop shot is image of Francis on her laptop on the rooftop of our hostel in San Telmo, we can pick up WiFi up there, in fact, this post was put together on that very same roof..

From that rooftop there are some great views of the different buildings, The rest of the images are ones that I captured from the roof top

Building cameo shot
Old Argentinian resident
BA Rooftops
Breakfast in BA

This last imageĀ  is of 2 slices of melba toast with Dulce De Leche on it. Dulce De Leche is basically caramel, but is an Argentinian treat and they love it. So much so that they eat it for breakfast on toast, it is very sweet and very tasty and usually eaten with a hot cup of very strong coffee (also very good) This keeps you going until you sit down for a steak at lunch time…aaaah the good life.

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