Trip to Tofino

I had never been to Tofino before.  I loved the idea of a Canadian Surfing resort. Most peoples understanding of Canada is that it is a frozen Tundra for 9 months of the year and then has a brief and intense 3 week summer. Well, in some parts of Canada (like the Arctic) that may…

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My favourite iPhone apps…

As you may know, I really enjoy taking photos with my iPhone. It truly is a great tool for some quick photography and sometimes you may surprise yourself at the images you get (I still get amazed at some of the images I get). Over the past year, I have spent some time experimenting with…

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Are you a light snob?

Its not a very flattering description, but it works. In my opinion, photographers should be “light snobs”…what do I mean by that. Well, being a light snob is like being a food snob. You seek out the best light (like seeking out the best food), you only shoot in the best light (think…best restaurant) and…

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Is using Photoshop cheating?

I have lectured at various photography schools on Photoshop and very often I hear students tell me that friends and family will say to them that using Photoshop is cheating. I have also heard some photographers say that they are “purists” and don’t do any Photoshop “manipulation”.  I find that this kind of comment is…

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Photography Blogs

There is no shortage of information out there. Just take a look at the blogs and websites that are being added to the net daily. The key thing is being able to sift the information, there is a lot of good info, but also, there is a lot of “ho hum” stuff. Over the past…

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