What inspires you?

Inspiration is a funny thing. Some call it a muse, some say it is being in “the zone”. When the muse or inspiration visits you, you can create amazing images. We have all had this happen to us. We go out on a particular day and everything we shoot “works”. We seem to get great…

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About that new camera…

I have recently become the owner of a Nikon D800 and some new lenses. Yes, I know, its not a big deal really, but in the process of making the upgrade (I have been shooting on a Nikon D80 for 7 years now) I gave myself some hurdles to jump over before jumping in and…

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Is using Photoshop cheating?

I have lectured at various photography schools on Photoshop and very often I hear students tell me that friends and family will say to them that using Photoshop is cheating. I have also heard some photographers say that they are “purists” and don’t do any Photoshop “manipulation”.  I find that this kind of comment is…

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Can you handhold an HDR shot?

I always recommend using a tripod in pretty much any lighting conditions other than midday sun. There are lots of photographers who try and handhold images in low light and when they look at the LCD screen, all looks OK…until you get home and take a closer look on the computer screen. So, I tend…

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