Trip to Tofino

I had never been to Tofino before.  I loved the idea of a Canadian Surfing resort. Most peoples understanding of Canada is that it is a frozen Tundra for 9 months of the year and then has a brief and intense 3 week summer. Well, in some parts of Canada (like the Arctic) that may…

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My favourite iPhone apps…

As you may know, I really enjoy taking photos with my iPhone. It truly is a great tool for some quick photography and sometimes you may surprise yourself at the images you get (I still get amazed at some of the images I get). Over the past year, I have spent some time experimenting with…

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Heart of the city

I am a city dweller, I live in Vancouver, BC. Sometimes that can be a hindrance to taking the kind of stark and surreal landscape images that I would like to be taking in the Canadian Rockies or up in the Arctic, but sometimes it challenges me to think a little more. I love Vancouver,…

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Can you handhold an HDR shot?

I always recommend using a tripod in pretty much any lighting conditions other than midday sun. There are lots of photographers who try and handhold images in low light and when they look at the LCD screen, all looks OK…until you get home and take a closer look on the computer screen. So, I tend…

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