Getty Images gives photographs away

Getty Images allows users to embed images - for free
Getty Images allows users to embed images – for free

Creative content is under threat. Getty images announced this week that you can embed any image onto your blog or website for FREE, provided it is for non commercial use. This is the first time that Getty has moved to this model and it is potentially a sea change in stock photography. Let me say at the outset, I am NOT in favour of this new model. What this means is, you can go onto the Getty Images website, find an image you like, click on it and download the embed code and paste that into your blog or website…all for free. Getty’s rationale is that this is happening already with Google search, so they thought it would be better if they offer this service. The image is free and there is no watermark on the image so all that happens is the photographer gets credited (not much money in that) and Getty gets to brand the image. In time, Getty says, they will offer overlay advertising similar to what YouTube is now running on their network.

My reaction is that this is ludicrous. Let me clear though, I am listed on Getty Images as a contributing photographer, but it is not my main source of revenue, so I wont be negatively affected. For some photographers however, this could mean a significant drop in income for them. My reaction is this, we are simply cheapening the craft of photography to the point that commercial clients will soon be asking for more and more freebies. In fact, it could mean that there is no need to hire a commercial photographer and simply use the free service from Getty to populate their websites with free images. Sad, very sad day indeed.

What do you think of this move? Any comments, ideas suggestions? I have a few which I will share in a later post at some point, but I am curious to know your thoughts on this!

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