Light – the key ingredient…

Working with Light
Working with Light

This is an excerpt from the eBook I am writing, it is called working with light…

Light is the most important ingredient in your photography. Yes, you need a camera, yes, you need good lenses and of course if you will need to know how to use the camera, that will improve your photography exponentially. We need to go back to the beginning though and rediscover what photography is all about. At its most basic, photography is about light. Without light, you cannot make an image. In a black, dark room, you only need one candle to make an image. Just one, dim candle can mean the difference between no photo and a great photo. That what this book is all about. It is what photography is all about. This is not a “how to” book, rather it is about the concept of working with light. The word photograph literally means “painting with light”. Once you understand light, how it impacts your images, how it can be used to make better images, you will then be able to make better choices about how, when and what to photograph. By working with the steps, outlined in this book, you will be able to make better decisions about your photography. You will start observing and noting when the light is good for certain types of photography. Above all, your images will start to improve, giving you much more rewarding images and satisfaction in your craft.

So, what are your views? Is light THAT important, what do you think about most when you are out photographing? Do you understand light? If not what would you like to know to help you make better images?

My view is that light is the most important part of my image making. The quality of light is probably the key component when I decide to capture images. Yes, we can all take photos under different lighting, BUT when you have the opportunity to capture photos in amazing light, the results will literally blow you away. So, share your thoughts, comments, ideas….


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