One week on for Chile..

We are still in Chile in spite of the earthquake and the resultant aftershocks. It was just over 1 week ago that Chile was hit by an 8.8 Quake which literally rocked the country. Since then, we have seEn devastated towns in the south of Chile, we have heard about 3 Tsunamis that were triggered off by the quake, we have seen that the quake is the 5th largest earthquake since 1900 and we have realised just how fortunate we were to not be hurt AT ALL in the quake. We are enjoying Chile, it is a great country and we are enjoying being here. The people are friendly, helpful and very easy going. Today (Sunday 7th March ) has been declared the official start of 3 days of mourning for those who were killed in the quake. The image below is an image that was shown on TV (not an image I took….) and for me it depicts the spirit of the Chilean people, they have been hit hard, but they are up and they are proud of their country. Fuerza Chile….may we never forget!

Fuerza Chile!
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  1. Your travels have certainly turned into an adventure of note. We are enjoying your blog – who would have though that you would turn from writing an interesting travelogue, to being a front-line correspondent sending “postcards from the edge”! We just thank God for his hand of protection over you guys during this trying time.

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