The end of the DSLR?

It is never easy to predict the future, at best its risky. However, if you get it right, you are seen as a guru, get it wrong and you are a charlatan looking for attention. So, most people avoid trying to predict the future as it is notoriously difficult to know (Just ask any meteorologist!)…

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Ten ways to bring back the magic!

Do you ever get into a creative slump? You know the feeling…you take your camera out for a walk (in a manner of speaking) and get five or six images that are, well, uninspiring. You get home, pull them up on the screen and they look just like all your other images, same feel, same…

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More on Light

Light is the most critical component of your photography. I use a system for every image called the 4C’s, it helps me to put everything in place when I have time to setup the shot. The 4C’s are Colour, Contrast, Composition and Control. More on this in later posts, but without Light, you simply cannot…

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My favourite iPhone apps…

As you may know, I really enjoy taking photos with my iPhone. It truly is a great tool for some quick photography and sometimes you may surprise yourself at the images you get (I still get amazed at some of the images I get). Over the past year, I have spent some time experimenting with…

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Are you a light snob?

Its not a very flattering description, but it works. In my opinion, photographers should be “light snobs”…what do I mean by that. Well, being a light snob is like being a food snob. You seek out the best light (like seeking out the best food), you only shoot in the best light (think…best restaurant) and…

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Is using Photoshop cheating?

I have lectured at various photography schools on Photoshop and very often I hear students tell me that friends and family will say to them that using Photoshop is cheating. I have also heard some photographers say that they are “purists” and don’t do any Photoshop “manipulation”.  I find that this kind of comment is…

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On creativity….

I hear this word fairly often…creativity, or one of its derivatives…creative, create or even uncreative. As photographers and artists, we sometimes become obsessed with being creative, after all, photography is a creative art, so that must mean we need to be creative to make great images. Well, yes and no. All too often, I think…

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Heart of the city

I am a city dweller, I live in Vancouver, BC. Sometimes that can be a hindrance to taking the kind of stark and surreal landscape images that I would like to be taking in the Canadian Rockies or up in the Arctic, but sometimes it challenges me to think a little more. I love Vancouver,…

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Is an iPhone a camera?

Its not a crazy question…promise. I know that we all know that our iPhones or smartphones have cameras built in, but are they any use? Hence the question, is an iPhone a camera? Or maybe phrased differently, is an iPhone a serious camera? Can you use an iPhone as an everyday camera? Many people walking…

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