A day in the hills of Valparaiso

The neigbouring city to Vina del Mar is a harbour city called Valparaiso. It is an old city that has been built into the sides of the steep hills that surround the bay of Valparaiso. As with most harbour towns, the city centre is largely reclaimed  land and the rest of the city is built…

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One week on for Chile..

We are still in Chile in spite of the earthquake and the resultant aftershocks. It was just over 1 week ago that Chile was hit by an 8.8 Quake which literally rocked the country. Since then, we have seEn devastated towns in the south of Chile, we have heard about 3 Tsunamis that were triggered…

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8.8 Quake in Santiago

It was like nothing I have ever experienced before. I don’t know what the actual time was, but I woke up to hear some dogs howling and the feeling that the room was moving, rocking from side to side. I heard a rumble in the distance, but in the dullness and thickness of the sleep…

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